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Somtara Rental Policy

Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. Check-out time is 10:00 a.m. Please understand we have the whole house and grounds to care for.


Maximum occupancy is four. Only registered guests are allowed on premises. Renters do NOT have license to invite others into the home or on the premises. Anyone not registered will be considered trespassing. If you are part of a larger group visiting the island, you may not want to rent Somtara. No larger group gatherings, dinners, cook-outs, celebrations, or whatever are permitted on the premises. Again, only registered guests are allowed on the property.


Rate base is for two adults. Children twelve and under are free, but additional guests thirteen and older are an extra $50 per guest, per day.


No pets, including outdoors or on the grounds.


No smoking.


No tents or camping on property: absolute maximum occupancy is four.


Failure to abide by these policies constitutes a breach of the rental agreement. Satisfaction being immediate vacation of the premises while maintaining full financial responsibility for the entire rental period.


Fifty percent deposit, excluding taxes, is due with confirmation of your reservation. The deposit is refundable, less a service fee of $75, if your reservation is cancelled at least 30 days prior to the arrival date. The deposit is forfeited and will not be refunded if the reservation is cancelled within 30 days. The balance, including applicable taxes, currently 5.0% state, 6.5% Town of La Pointe, and 0.5% Ashland County will be charged on or shortly after the arrival date, to all reservations not previously cancelled.


No refunds for earlier than expected departures.


Normal cleaning, wear and tear is expected. However extraordinary cleaning, missing items, or excessive and malicious damage to property and furnishings will result in a commensurate charge to your credit account.


Hold Harmless Agreement


Trips, falls, and accidents can happen in any home. The shoreline of Lake Superior can be inherently dangerous. Old logs with long spikes from old cribs are on the beach and often wash up on shore. Watching your step and using caution in nature is always required. The cold water of the lake can shock and immobilize. Campfires are beautiful, but can be dangerous too.


Except for gross disregard, neglect and intentional disrepair of things within owners control, renters agree to hold owners harmless in regards to accidental injury incurred while occupying the property. Renters are responsible for their own actions, compromises, deficiencies, and negligence.

Somtara Vacation Rental Madeline Island Lake Home Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

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